As I have said before, I am well represented by a cranky, activist union, The Professional Staff Congress of the City University of New York. The have declared a “Summer of Struggle” intended to persuade the State and the City to not balance the books by firing adjuncts. They are pushing for fully funding CUNY as a social justice issue, and as a way to pull NYC out of recession.
They called for a stream of “tweets,” supporting this call. This is not a wild idea. It is supported by research that says that CUNY is a proven tool for lifting people out of poverty. A well supported and financed infrastructure of public higher education is a down payment on the kind a real change that we are doing to need to do better.
So I have undertaken to write daily “tweets” to support the Summer of Struggle. It has been truly brain expanding. Writing truly is a learning experience. If you are on twitter I am @reb2670. You are welcome to join me in this effort. We need a real movement to get this done.
Were you at today’s virtual demonstration? Real good. About 100 people irl and 400 virtual.