Call for participation: looking for library workers or library school students with disabilities.
We are writing a book that addresses the needs of library workers with disabilities and multiple identities. It will be published by Library Juice Press later this year.
Because the community of library workers with disabilities is such a central part of our research, you are invited to contribute to our book.
Topics are more or less open (these are suggestions only):
- What you would like your manager to know?
- Advocacy: mass transit, empathy, creative accommodations
- What is a day in your life like, please emphasis your work life.
Contributions are due by March 15, 2020. (If you need a different date, please let me know.)
Contributions are being accepted up to a maximum of 500 words.
We are not guaranteeing we can accept everything, your submission may be edited.
Tell us whether you want it to be signed or anonymous.
If you are going to sign it, include where you work.
Regardless: we need to know how to reach you, please give us a phone # and an e-mail.
By submission you are giving us permission to publish, and you will not receive compensation. Your name will not be on the book. Your name will be listed in the preface, unless you choose to remain anonymous. The authors of the book are Professors Brown and Sheidlower.
Robin Brown, MLS, MA
Associate Professor
Head of Public Services
Borough of Manhattan Community College Library