A Painful Decision
In the Fall of 1994, I was newly pregnant. I was working as a part time librarian at my local graduate school library. Lets just say that I did not carry well and I left my library in an ambulance. Lacking sick leave, I resigned a couple weeks later.
This came into my head the other day as I was thinking about the beastie that now has latched on to me. It is progressive. I have already said I am getting a feeding tube. My lungs are under attack. Next up is my limbs. I am already dealing with weakness in that area. I love you all, I don’t want to leave BMCC in an ambulance if I can avoid it. If I can, I would like to leave upright.
So that is why I have announced to HR that I will be retiring effective 8/28/24. I believe that will be 15 years. I will be creating a plan to use my accumulated leave between now and then.
I have been reminded that many of you are in pain, and wonder what you can do to help.
First: Treasure your life. You do not know what the future holds. Those of you that have partners or children, give them some extra love.
Second: Love our students. I will not be returning to the one on one appointments. Which leaves a huge gap. Ask Kathleen how you can help.
Third: Support ALS United of Greater NY so they can support us. Can you get together a team for the ALS Walk?